Together As One, Our Diocesan Annual Appeal offers us an opportunity to come together and support our parishes, our faith, our future, and our children’s future. The appeal offers support through the Diocese for adult and youth faith formation, tuition scholarships through Bishop’s Education Fund, Catholic Charities, and their mission, and this year, the diocese has a dedicated Pro-Life staff member. Together As One, provides us a way to express our gratitude and appreciation to all pastors, parish staff, and all who assist in making our annual appeal possible. Let’s make this year a true success and show how strong our Diocese is when we all work together!
Your participation helps those whose needs are the greatest – the poor, the vulnerable, those on the margins of our society. Your gift demonstrates your commitment to Catholic education and the fight of the unborn; it supports those who are ill, imprisoned, and dying; and helps to strengthen struggling families, as well as offers counseling to the grieving and the addicted enabling thousands of individuals and families throughout the diocese, making positive changes to improve their lives.
Every Together As One gift goes to support diocesan programs and ministries which in turn provide services that no one parish can offer on its own. Additionally, 100 percent of contributions received beyond a parish’s goal is returned to the parish and used to defray ministry and capital costs.
Many parishioners have received information about the Annual Catholic Appeal in September through the mail from either Bishop Nickless and in December from Father Randy Schon. The enclosed pledge card and return envelope can be used to make a contribution to the campaign. A contribution can also be made by contacting the Holy Cross parish office at (712) 277-2949 or online by clicking the link below.
Why should I make a pledge instead of a one-time gift?
Making a pledge allows you to spread your gift over several months, which may make it easier for you to budget, and may also allow you to give a larger gift.
How much should I give?
Charitable giving is a reflection of our Christian stewardship of treasure. Giving back to God, either through contributions to your parish, the Annual Catholic Appeal, or other worthwhile charities, should require a sacrifice, one that recognizes God’s generosity to us individually. Therefore, your gift is a personal decision between you and God and should be made after careful reflection.
In addition to the issuance of personal checks, payments can be made by credit card, online bill pay, gifts of securities, gifts of grain, gifts through IRA’s, as well as through corporate matching gift programs. When giving gifts of grain, appreciated securities or closely-held stock, telephone the development office at (712) 253-7513 or write [email protected] to obtain the necessary instructions.