Cooking with Catholic Kids!
The Holy Cross Parish Library has two copies of a wonderful new cookbook that’s filled with great recipes, but it also offers spiritual nourishment for your family. Find it in the Featured section. Check it out!
From the back cover:
It's an invitation for families to bring the liturgical year into their homes and grow in their faith. Readers will be introduced to the Church's seasons and holy days with stories of saints and thirty-three recipes. Accompanied by gorgeous photos, sacred art, scripture, and prayers, this charming cookbook for children ages 6-14 seeks to evangelize with the beauty of the Church's traditions and cultivate the domestic church.”
Yes, the Holy Cross Parish Library has FICTION! We have Catholic Classics like Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. We also have new and recent releases like The Wedding of Magdeburg by Gertrud von le Fort (Ignatius Press 2024); Death in Black and White: A Novel by Fr. Michael Brisson (Ignatius Press 2024); A Hiker’s Guide to Purgatory: A Novel by Michael Norton (Ignatius Press 2022); The Quiet Light: A Novel About Saint Thomas Aquinas by Louis de Wohl (Ignatius Press 1996.) and more! All well reviewed. Stop by the library any time during parish office hours to check out the collection or just to enjoy the LIBRARY and LOUNGE for quiet reading or conversation with friends! Help yourself to Coffee, Tea or Swiss Miss at our COFFEE BAR in the Kitchen. Access is through the Church.