❤️DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY is April 7! For the next month these books on Divine Mercy and St. Faustina, the Saint who inspired the Feast Day, will be shelved in our FEATURED section so they are easy to find. Learn more! Stop by the Holy Cross Parish Library at Blessed Sacrament before or after Sunday Masses or any weekday from 6:30 AM to 3:00 PM.
Our children's collection is GROWING! We have 175 in the catalog, but we have multiple copies of many. You can learn more about the books on our shelves by clicking on the catalog link below: https://www.kimicoapps.net/?lib=HDV-PVF-GIF-M
ZOOM IN to read the titles of these NEW ARRIVALS in the Holy Cross Parish Library. Many thanks to the anonymous donor of these brand-new books! Stop by the library Monday-Friday 6:30 AM-3 PM OR Sundays before and after Masses at Blessed Sacrament Church/Angel House to check out our Adult and Children’s Collections. Over 1000 Catholic books!
Here are some of our books for Lent at the New Holy Cross Parish Library! You may wish to check out one of over a dozen copies of Bishop Robert Barron’s “Gospel Reflections”, featuring the full Gospel reading and a reflection for each day during Lent. It’s not too late to start reading these! We also have several copies of Edward Sri’s “No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion.” For a more creative experience of Lent pick up “40 Days, 40 Ways” by Marcellino D’Ambrosio. ✝️If you prefer a reading challenge, try Pope Benedict XVI’s “Journey to Easter,” which is the retreat given by him (then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger) to Pope John Paul II and the clergy at the Vatican. These books can be found in the Featured and Recommened subject sections. You will find more great books when you visit the library in person! (The library will be closed this Wednesday.)